Booking is mandatory : You need to book before coming to Livescope. If you want to book a session for the current day, please contact us on the following number : +32 475 910 720 to check the availabilities. Livescope is located at 18, Place Eugène Flagey in the building called “Maison de la Radio”. How to find Livescope ?Follow the guide in the following video : How to go to Place Flagey ?Car/ Parking: Parking with 186 spots at the Place Flagey / Street parking (there are few non-paying zones where you need to use a blue disk). Tram: 81 (direct access from / to Midi Station) Bus : 38, 59, 60, 71 (direct access from / to Brussels Central station with the bus 38 & 71) Train: Flagey is at 5 minutes walk from the Germoir station. |